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For the Parents

To build a successful tribe, we require all hands on deck from our parents. This ensures strong follow through from our enrolled students. 


We realize that young people will behave as young people do and as part of the village, we will support the parents/guardians to develop character and maturity.


We share valuable resources, communicate regularly via GroupMe, host meetups, backyard fireside chats, family focused gatherings and more to build up and encourage one another. 



We strive to keep our tribe intentional and meaningful! Family matters! #ajces #coolnerds

Safety First

The Coolnerds will practice as much wisdom and caution as possible as we are using our space and family as a place to serve others. We will strive to keep you informed of changes as quickly as possible. There is a month to month contract so if we need to end our face-to-face meetings, parents will assume full responsibility of educating and serving their own families first. We’ll work with our families as we all remain consistent, committed, and as flexible as possible. Read more to learn about our health policies. 

These youth are destined for greater...jpg

Attendance and Classwork

Students should arrive each day between 8am-8:25am. After 8:30 am, students will be unable to attend that day as late arrival disrupts our educational environment. 


Additionally, it is expected that students complete ALL assignments on-time or they will be unable to attend classes.


At The Coolnerds, mistakes are understandable but failure is unacceptable. Students must be committed to a hard work ethic in order to achieve their set goals. 


Therefore, students who are frequently late or behind on assignments will:

  • not be assigned internships 

  • be sent home 


Behavior and Discipline 

We realize that young people will behave as young people do and as part of the village, we will support the parents/guardians to develop character and maturity. We require full participation from our parents to ensure strong follow through from their enrolled students. If we must notify parents of unacceptable behavior, we expect full support from the parents to rectify any misbehavior.

Please read carefully:

  • The parent of any student who is continuously disruptive will be given two (2) notices of the continuous misbehavior and non-productive habits. 

  • Upon the third notice the student will be required to complete assignments at home for one month. Assignments will be designed to help the student and family progress. 

  • Tuition must still be paid and participation with The Coolnerds will NOT be allowed. 

  • Upon return, one further violation will result in student’s expulsion from The Coolnerds with no refund.

  • Any remaining yearly tuition must still be paid.


Class Schedule 

Our classes are in session from August-May. We meet Monday-Wednesdays from 8am-3pm (with late pickup til 3:30pm). We offer summer sessions as needed. 



Students should pack a lunch daily. We encourage healthy meals to maintain optimal health! We learn to prepare delicious meals alongside our excellent culinary instructors and we patronize local, ethnically authentic eateries to expand our tastes!  

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